Saturday, August 29, 2009

Community Care Day

Today I went back to Robert Gray middle school for the first time since 8th grade promotion. I was amazed at how many people showed up to work. We raked, swept, pruned and did other groundskeeper Willy type projects. I'm not sure how much middle school students care about how tidy their school is, but it was fun!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The rocket on the front is my favorite part!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today C and I rode to Selwood on the Springwater corridor. I rode my new bicycle for the first time since it has come home from the shop with new wheels. I discovered a few things whiles riding as well...
My bike is definately a lady. I usually assign a male gender to most of my prized possesions, but you cannot argue that this bike is female.
I was confused at first. walking her out of the bike shop I got invited to dinner by a stranger. 10 minutes later I got picked up on at the bus stop. After the fourth or fifth time, I got
suspicious, and confused. Today I realized... it isn't me, it's the bike, and she is doing it on purpose, and she loves it. She definately has a mind of her own, and isn't going to let me get in the way of her persuit of romance... What can you do right? We had a lot of fun, explored selwood, and met some really fun people. I bought 0000 grade steel wool in selwwood, and tonight I am going to work on getting rid of some of the lady's rust. I don't quite know her name, but I feel like it is on the tip of my tongue.