Sunday, October 11, 2009

Portland memorial mausoleum… roof!





The largest mural on a building in the US! We went on an Audubon walking tour from Sellwood Park to the roof of the memorial building.   The mural looks fantastic from up close!!!

I go ape like… Eek eek!



Watch out!  something about my bike makes me go wild.   You can kind of see the new bullet light and basket.  The Missing Link out on Sandy has some really cool old bikes, neat stuff, and the man there gave me a sample of some amazing chrome polish.  Nick and I scored some sweet Halloween costumes at goodwill yesterday. I think I am going to try riding to school in the costume, sans mask, on Friday.  we’ll see how that works out.

With a face like that, who wouldn’t want a sandwich?

Fox finds a sandwich? Well. Here is a not so good picture of the sandwich guy that stole Fox’s face.  I bought an amazing poster, unwisely, on my way to the Timber’s game, and promptly lost it.  I may have to go get another. 


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lisa and her Kin


Last night got crazy… Claire and I had planned to see Lisa and her Kin play a happy hour show at the Laurelthirst, at 6:00.  It was fun… too much fun…  I bullied Claire into going to see them play again, at 10:30 at Duff’s Garage.  But what to do until then… We went to Holmans, picked up Douglas, went to Ladd’s Inn and made our way back to Duff’s.  We made some delightful friends and listened to the same great show. We ended up walking to My Father’s Place for breakfast and then Claire and I walked back to sweet sweet Keith’s, who listened indulgently as I walked him through every little thing that had happened.  My favorite event was when D dropped my high school ID in between the cracks on the patio at Duff’s and a really nice bartender fished it out with duct tape on a broom handle.

Thank you to the stranger who drove my bicycle in the back of his SUV to Duff’s and sorry Claire!!!




Yesterday started with a good crafting session, and I finished this little guy.  I made some serious errors in the body, but I think the black yarn hides it pretty well.  I gave him to K. as an “I Hope You Feel Better Soon and By The Way Look at How Clever I am” present.  The real fun began later in the night though…

Friday, September 4, 2009

Glam hat


glamhat glamhat2 glamhat3

I really love this hat, and its bling.  The yarn came from The Naked Sheep, it’s cable cotton This week has been great! Yesterday I had dinner down the street and then we walked around the neighborhood.  I am working on my crotchet skills, making a day of the dead doll from Creepy Cute Crotchet. The only terrible thing that happened this week is that I accidentally watered my mango tree with gin…

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Community Care Day

Today I went back to Robert Gray middle school for the first time since 8th grade promotion. I was amazed at how many people showed up to work. We raked, swept, pruned and did other groundskeeper Willy type projects. I'm not sure how much middle school students care about how tidy their school is, but it was fun!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The rocket on the front is my favorite part!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today C and I rode to Selwood on the Springwater corridor. I rode my new bicycle for the first time since it has come home from the shop with new wheels. I discovered a few things whiles riding as well...
My bike is definately a lady. I usually assign a male gender to most of my prized possesions, but you cannot argue that this bike is female.
I was confused at first. walking her out of the bike shop I got invited to dinner by a stranger. 10 minutes later I got picked up on at the bus stop. After the fourth or fifth time, I got
suspicious, and confused. Today I realized... it isn't me, it's the bike, and she is doing it on purpose, and she loves it. She definately has a mind of her own, and isn't going to let me get in the way of her persuit of romance... What can you do right? We had a lot of fun, explored selwood, and met some really fun people. I bought 0000 grade steel wool in selwwood, and tonight I am going to work on getting rid of some of the lady's rust. I don't quite know her name, but I feel like it is on the tip of my tongue.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have been feeling a little abandoned. My knitting is still there, a few projects are halfway completed, but the urge to knit has been completely absent. I have still been having ideas, that might someday become projects, but I haven't been knitting at all. Or sewing. Or making anything. I was feeling a little concerned about this, and wondering if this might be the end for me.
I am starting to realize that it might just be the time of the year. I rode my bike out on Sauvie's island and visited with the new tiny lambs at the end of the road, and I have been clearing out the winter mess in my grandparent's garden, and I have been walking or bicycling to school, and it feels good to take a break from creating. I think this almost Spring feeling has been inspiring me to look around at the world and investigate, and that knitting feels a little too wintery for me.
I am going to try to keep the ideas for later and enjoy the restless feeling this time of year gives me.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winter term

My first week back at school was fantastic. The only newnew class I am taking is yoga. It has been really fun and intense. I have to wake up at 4:30 to get to school on time! This weekend I went out a little, did a lot of school work, and did a little crafting. I felted some old guage swatches and made bracelets out of them. It was quick and I got to use a couple of my buttons. I think I might have a button problem. I also started the "Two Block Hat" from the book "Knit to be Square". I am trying to make it big enough to fit me, but I'm not sure how that will work out.